S Multi Technologies

S Multi Technologies

S Multi Technologies (SMT) located and headquartered in Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India, first started serving the global market in 2015. With 3 years of experience in the outsourcing industry, we see ourselves emerging as a global leader in the outsourcing industry. https://www.smultitechnologies.com/professional-photo-editing-services/ Data Entry Services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/data-entry-services/ Engineering Services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/tekla-steel-design/ Healthcare Services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/data-entry-services/ Software Development Services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/website-design-services/ Photo Editing Services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/professional-photo-editing-services/ Research & Analysis https://www.smultitechnologies.com/website-design-services/ Creative Services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/creative-design/ Publishing https://www.smultitechnologies.com/magazine-layout-services/ Web Analytics Services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/website-design-services/ E-Publishing https://www.smultitechnologies.com/e-publishing-services/ video editing services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/video-editing-services/ animation services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/animation-services/ artwork-services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/artwork-services/ sketching services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/sketching-services/ logo design services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/logo-design-services/ illustration services https://www.smultitechnologies.com/illustration-services/


The rise in video content online has seen a huge increase in marketing gurus using the medium to promote products and services effectively across the web. In fact, it has been estimated, by inc.com, that 79% of all internet traffic will be video content in 2018. Video marketing is extremely popular at the moment and that popularity is only going to increase year on year, as we see video engagement rates grow massively and rapidly. The use of social media makes for the perfect platform to push videos to a wide audience, and today’s high-tech devices mean your audience can be reached anywhere and at any time.


Video content is effective because they are memorable and engaging, your audience will be able to better process and understand the information presented to them when it is in a visual form like video. Over half of social media marketers are now utilizing video content in their campaigns, with many considering video marketing to be the most valuable content available. Whilst it is obvious how important it is to use video content as part of your marketing campaign, creating that video content is another question altogether.


Businesses today take on a lot of varied work, and it is rare for any employee to be focused on one area alone, and this is even more so the case for marketers who are often taking on the role of IT experts, content writers, designers and much more. It is often the case that a business will have some video footage to promote their company, however, they are less knowledgeable when it comes to editing this footage into a cohesive and high-quality video. Whilst some marketers might have a few basic video editing skills or be prepared to teach themselves the basics using online tutorials, video editing is a specialist field and if done to a poor quality your video will not give the desired results.


Professional video editors are trained and highly skilled in creating top quality and engaging video content and outsourcing your video editing needs is a great option for ensuring you have effective video content. There are loads of reasons why businesses should outsource video editing:


  1. Experienced Professionals


Small businesses who only need to make video content to promote their products and services usually don’t have the required skills to effectively edit videos in house. The most common reason for outsourcing video editing requirements is to get your video content edited by experienced professionals. Professional video editors have a huge amount of experience and knowledge on creating videos that attract viewers and increase customer engagement.


  1. Quick Results


Professional video editors have the expertise, equipment, and experience to complete an outsourced video editing project quickly and effectively. They will generally have a fast turnaround time, meaning you can start pushing your video content sooner rather than later. Many professionals who outsource video editing will specify the required time frame for the finished product.


  1. Professional Equipment


Companies that choose to edit their video footage in the house will often purchase a free or fairly cheap video editing software that won’t give them the highest quality finish and results they are after. When you outsource video editing, you are working with professionals who will have the latest software and tools to complete the job effectively and to a professional quality.


  1. All-in-one Service


Many individuals with a lack of experience in video editing will consider it to be the process of cutting and trimming footage into a desired video length and order. However, there is a lot more to it than that, and a professional video editor will provide an all-in-one service including mixing the sound, adding effects and embellishing the clip as and when required.


  1. No Commitment


When you choose to outsource your video editing, you are giving yourself full flexibility on the services you require. There is no need to make any long-term commitment, if you need one video editing then you can place an order for just that. If you want to increase the frequency at which you create and publish videos online, you can scale up the amount of work you choose to do with a professional video editor.


  1. No Up-front Investment


If you decide to go down the route of editing videos in house, there will be an expensive up-front investment to be made, including equipment, software, and training. As video editing is an area that is always evolving and changing, software and equipment can become outdated quickly and with little warning. When you choose to outsource video editing requirements to a professional, you are avoiding all of these upfront costs.


  1. Relevant and Updated Service


As mentioned above, video editing is always evolving, and the benefit of having a seasoned professional on your side is that they will be up to date and on top of the ever-changing market. Outsourced wedding video editors are focused only on the video editing market, so they will also be in front of the latest trends and new skills.


  1. Complete Control


Even though you are not completing the work in-house, there is no reason why you shouldn’t still have full control when you outsource video editing requirements. Professionals will study your brand’s image and its market to ensure your video content fits perfectly with your existing company aesthetic.


  1. Guaranteed Talent


When choosing a professional video editor, you are guaranteed a level of talent and skill that simply isn’t available if you try to handle all video editing needs in house. You can relax knowing that the professionals have everything under control and have the relevant skill set and knowledge to produce a top quality finished the video.


  1. Expert Resources


As well as having excellent talent available, and high-end technology and software, professional video editors will also have access to other expert resources you might not even have thought of. Perhaps your footage is missing something crucial and you need some decent stock footage to fill a gap, or your video could really benefit from having a voice-over. Outsourced video editors will have access to these types of resources and have them readily available to use on your projects.


  1. A New Perspective


It is one thing to have your own ideas and vision for a marketing video, but it can be extremely useful to have another point of view to give their input as well. Professional video editors will have worked on thousands of projects over the years and will have a wealth of experience and are able to suggest new and fresh ideas that may have never crossed your mind.


  1. Save Time


If you choose to go down the route of editing all videos in house, it will take a substantial amount of time. Getting staff trained initially will be time-consuming, and then on an ongoing basis the time it takes to edit a video can be lengthy. Outsourcing to a professional will save a lot of your team’s valuable time to focus on what really matters to you and your business.


  1. Fully Scalable


Having a professional team available to outsource your video editing needs will provide you with a fully scalable service that can expand and relax as the video requirements do. If you are relying completely on an in-house team, there is a limit on how much can be done in any given time, whereas a professional video editor will not have this issue. You can produce as much video content as you need at any given time, one month you may need just one video edited, and the next you may need ten.


  1. Worthwhile Investment


The whole idea behind having video content and sharing it online is to build engagement and reach as many potential customers as possible. Whilst it may be cheaper to produce videos in-house, the quality will not be up to the same level as a professional video editor. Low-quality videos simply do not perform as well online as high-quality videos, and so whilst the cost might be slightly higher, it is a worthwhile investment.


  1. Transform Poor Quality Footage


If you find yourself in a situation where you have some footage that isn’t great quality, you might think it is useless and avoid using it completely. Professional video editors can often transform low-quality footage into a coherent and engaging video, a skill that amateur video editors will not likely have.


  1. An Unbiased Viewpoint


An outsourced video editing company will have a completely unbiased view of your footage and branding, whereas an in-house team might have their own preset opinions on how things should be. It is good to have a totally unbiased and fresh look at your footage, your marketing team might dislike something and not think it is worth using, but a professional video editor might have a completely different angle.


  1. A World of Talent


The beauty of the internet means that you can hire a professional video editor from anywhere in the world and they can work on your brand videos from exactly where they are. This opens up your options hugely, unlike with in-house solutions, there is no need to limit your choice to someone who is local to your business. If there is an amazing video editor based on the other side of the ocean, you can still hire them as an outsourced video editor.


  1. Portfolios Available


Every online professional video editor will have a full portfolio online, so you can see their work and consider whether their skills are relevant to what you are looking for. This gives you the chance to view other videos they have edited and picked an outsourced service that you know can produce high-quality work.


  1. Testimonials and Reviews


In the same way, as you can view a professional video editor’s portfolio online, you can usually find some reviews and client testimonials as well. These will give you a great insight into how they work with their customers and if previous clients have been pleased with their final products.


  1. Freedom to Change


If you find a video editing professional and work with them on a new video for your company, only to decide you don’t like the way they work or aren’t pleased with the final product, you have complete freedom to never use them again and find a new company to outsource too.


  1. Effective Storytelling


Sometimes it can be tricky to effectively tell a story using video footage, and an inexperienced video editor often won’t have the skills or knowledge to tell your story in the best possible way. A professional video editor will have a range of skills and ideas to tell your brand or products story effectively.


  1. Experience of the Process


A professional video editor will have a wealth of experience on how the video editing process works, that an in-house team or amateur may not have. They will know all about working with clients and making revisions to produce a final high-quality video. Many in-house marketers who decide to have a go at video editing themselves will not be aware of the process, or even the best place to start.


  1. Manageable Budgets


Using an outsourced video editing service might be slightly more costly than in-house video editing, however, you will always be fully aware of the costs involved, making managing your budgets easier. You can properly manage your cash flow and budgeting as you will know exactly how much you need to spend on video editing.


  1. Build Long Term Relationships


One of the great things about working with a video editor on an outsourced basis is that you can build long-term client relationships, and they will feel like part of the team.


  1. No Breakdown Costs


One of the biggest downfalls to completed video editing work in the house is the initial cost of purchasing the relevant equipment and software, but even once this is done there is still the constant worry of something going wrong. If the equipment fails, you will have those initial costs all over again. When outsourcing to a professional video editor, you don’t need to worry about the upkeep of pricey equipment.

Our Services

  34. data entry services
  35. creative design
  36. e-publishing services
  37. photo editing services
  38. Full-Time Equivalents(FTE)g
Source: http://www.smultitechnologies.com/outsource-image-clipping-service
5 Stars
25 Reasons to Outsource Video Editing

The rise in video content online has seen a huge increase in marketing gurus using the medium to promote products and services effectively across the web. In fact, it has been estimated, by inc.com, that 79% of all internet traffic will be video content in 2018. Video marketing is extremely popular at the moment and that popularity is only going to increase year on year, as we see video engagement rates grow massively and rapidly. The use of social media makes for the perfect platform to push videos to a wide audience, and today’s high-tech devices mean your audience can be reached anywhere and at any time.


Video content is effective because they are memorable and engaging, your audience will be able to better process and understand the information presented to them when it is in a visual form like video. Over half of social media marketers are now utilising video content in their campaigns, with many considering video marketing to be the most valuable content available. Whilst it is obvious how important it is to use video content as part of your marketing campaign, creating that video content is another question all together.


Businesses today take on a lot of varied work, and it is rare for any employee to be focused on one area alone, and this is even more so the case for marketers who are often taking on the role of IT experts, content writers, designers and much more. It is often the case that a business will have some video footage to promote their company, however they are less knowledgeable when it comes to editing this footage into a cohesive and high-quality video. Whilst some marketers might have a few basic video editing skills or be prepared to teach themselves the basics using online tutorials, video editing is a specialist field and if done to a poor quality your video will not give the desired results.


Professional video editors are trained and highly skilled in creating top quality and engaging video content and outsourcing your video editing needs is a great option for ensuring you have effective video content. There are loads of reasons for why businesses should outsource video editing:


  1. Experienced Professionals


Small businesses who only need to make video content to promote their products and services usually don’t have the required skills to effectively edit videos in house. The most common reason for outsourcing video editing requirements is to get your video content edited by experienced professionals. Professional video editors have a huge amount of experience and knowledge on creating videos that attract viewers and increase customer engagement.


  1. Quick Results


Professional video editors have the expertise, equipment and experience to complete an outsourced video editing project quickly and effectively. They will generally have a fast turnaround time, meaning you can start pushing your video content sooner rather than later. Many professionals who outsource video editing will specify the required time frame for the finished product.


  1. Professional Equipment


Companies that choose to edit their video footage in house will often purchase a free or fairly cheap video editing software that won’t give them the highest quality finish and results they are after. When you outsource video editing, you are working with professionals who will have the latest software and tools to complete the job effectively and to a professional quality.


  1. All-in-one Service


Many individuals with a lack of experience in video editing will consider it to be the process of cutting and trimming footage into a desired video length and order. However, there is a lot more to it than that, and a professional video editor will provide an all-in-one service including mixing the sound, adding effects and embellishing the clip as and when required.


  1. No Commitment


When you choose to outsource your video editing, you are giving yourself full flexibility on the services you require. There is no need to make any long-term commitment, if you need one video edited then you can place an order for just that. If you want to increase the frequency at which you create and publish videos online, you can scale up the amount of work you choose to do with a professional video editor.


  1. No Up-front Investment


If you decide to go down the route of editing videos in house, there will be an expensive up-front investment to be made, including equipment, software and training. As video editing is an area that is always evolving and changing, software and equipment can become outdated quickly and with little warning. When you choose to outsource video editing requirements to a professional, you are avoiding all of these upfront costs.


  1. Relevant and Updated Service


As mentioned above, video editing is always evolving, and the benefit of having a seasoned professional on your side is that they will be up to date and on top of the ever-changing market. Outsourced wedding video editors are focused only on the video editing market, so they will also be in front of the latest trends and new skills.


  1. Complete Control


Even though you are not completing the work in-house, there is no reason why you shouldn’t still have full control when you outsource video editing requirements. Professionals will study your brand’s image and its market to ensure your video content fits perfectly with your existing company aesthetic.


  1. Guaranteed Talent


When choosing a professional video editor, you are guaranteed a level of talent and skill that simply isn’t available if you try to handle all video editing needs in house. You can relax knowing that the professionals have everything under control and have the relevant skillset and knowledge to produce a top quality finished video.


  1. Expert Resources


As well as having excellent talent available, and high-end technology and software, professional video editors will also have access to other expert resources you might not even have thought of. Perhaps your footage is missing something crucial and you need some decent stock footage to fill a gap, or your video could really benefit from having a voice-over. Outsourced video editors will have access to these types of resources and have them readily available to use on your projects.


  1. A New Perspective


It is one thing to have your own ideas and vision for a marketing video, but it can be extremely useful to have another point of view give their input as well. Professional video editors will have worked on thousands of projects over the years and will have a wealth of experience and are able to suggest new and fresh ideas that may have never crossed your mind.


  1. Save Time


If you choose to go down the route of editing all videos in house, it will take a substantial amount of time. Getting staff trained initially will be time-consuming, and then on an ongoing basis the time it takes to edit a video can be lengthy. Outsourcing to a professional will save a lot of your team’s valuable time to focus on what really matters to you and your business.


  1. Fully Scalable


Having a professional team available to outsource your video editing needs will provide you with a fully scalable service that can expand and relax as the video requirements do. If you are relying completely on an in-house team, there is a limit on how much can be done in any given time, whereas a professional video editor will not have this issue. You can produce as much video content as you need at any given time, one month you may need just one video edited, and the next you may need ten.


  1. Worthwhile Investment


The whole idea behind having video content and sharing it online is to build engagement and reach as many potential customers as possible. Whilst it may be cheaper to produce videos in-house, the quality will not be up to the same level as a professional video editor. Low quality videos simply do not perform as well online as high-quality videos, and so whilst the cost might be slightly higher, it is a worthwhile investment.


  1. Transform Poor Quality Footage


If you find yourself in a situation where you have some footage that isn’t great quality, you might think it is useless and avoid using it completely. Professional video editors can often transform low quality footage into a coherent and engaging video, a skill that amateur video editors will not likely have.


  1. An Unbiased Viewpoint


An outsourced video editing company will have a completely unbiased view of your footage and branding, whereas an in-house team might have their own preset opinions on how things should be. It is good to have a totally unbiased and fresh look at your footage, your marketing team might dislike something and not think it is worth using, but a professional video editor might have a completely different angle.


  1. A World of Talent


The beauty of the internet means that you can hire a professional video editor from anywhere in the world and they can work on your brand videos from exactly where they are. This opens up your options hugely, unlike with in-house solutions, there is no need to limit your choice to someone who is local to your business. If there is an amazing video editor based the other side of the ocean, you can still hire them as an outsourced video editor.


  1. Portfolios Available


Every online professional video editor will have a full portfolio online, so you can see their work and consider whether their skills are relevant to what you are looking for. This gives you the chance to view other videos they have edited and pick an outsourced service that you know can produce high quality work.


  1. Testimonials and Reviews


In the same way as you can view a professional video editor’s portfolio online, you can usually find some reviews and client testimonials as well. These will give you a great insight into how they work with their customers and if previous clients have been pleased with their final products.


  1. Freedom to Change


If you find a video editing professional and work with them on a new video for your company, only to decide you don’t like the way they work or aren’t pleased with the final product, you have complete freedom to never use them again and find a new company to outsource too.


  1. Effective Storytelling


Sometimes it can be tricky to effectively tell a story using video footage, and an inexperienced video editor often won’t have the skills or knowledge to tell your story in the best possible way. A professional video editor will have a range of skills and ideas to tell your brand or products story effectively.


  1. Experience of the Process


A professional video editor will have a wealth of experience on how the video editing process works, that an in-house team or amateur may not have. They will know all about working with clients and making revisions to produce a final high-quality video. Many in-house marketers who decide to have a go at video editing themselves will not be aware of the process, or even the best place to start.


  1. Manageable Budgets


Using an outsourced video editing service might be slightly more costly than in-house video editing, however you will always be fully aware of the costs involved, making managing your budgets easier. You can properly manage your cashflow and budgeting as you will know exactly how much you need to spend on video editing.


  1. Build Long Term Relationships


One of the great things about working with a video editor on an outsourced basis, is that you can build long-term client relationships, and they will feel like part of the team.


  1. No Breakdown Costs


One of the biggest downfalls to completed video editing work in house is the initial cost of purchasing the relevant equipment and software, but even once this is done there is still the constant worry of something going wrong. If the equipment fails, you will have those initial costs all over again. When outsourcing to a professional video editor, you don’t need to worry about upkeep of pricey equipment.



Source: http://www.smultitechnologies.com
video editing services

With globalization flattening the world, it has become increasingly important for companies to utilize outsourcing firms in India to stay competitive. India is the best outsourcing destination for technical work when compared to other outsourcing locations in Eastern Europe, the Pacific Rim, and Latin America. Here are seven reasons why your company must seriously consider outsourcing to India.

  1. India can help you achieve more with less

Almost every business is under constant pressure to produce huge volumes of work and generate more revenue for their existing staff. By outsourcing to India, you can use your current staff to manage the outsourced team and projects, thereby increasing the output of each member. Only outsourcing to India can result in a marked improvement in your company's productivity.

  1. India can give you access to educated professionals with skill sets

When you outsource to India, you will be working with people who are highly educated, often holding degrees from some of the world's finest universities. Though language and cultural barriers still exist, you need not worry when you outsource to India, as Indian professionals speak better English than other leading outsourcing destinations.

  1. India can help you focus on core business competencies

As your business grows, you will need to support your increasing customer base or research and test new products while continuing your current growth rate. Handling everything in-house may take your focus away from core business activities. However, outsourcing to India can enable you to delegate noncore activities while you continue to manage the business functions that make you successful. India is a versatile outsourcing location, where you can easily find a service provider for customer support, research, marketing or any other business activity that you would prefer to outsource.

  1. India can help your company become more scalable

Since business is often unpredictable with its own peak and slow seasons, you may not always have the right number of staff members with the appropriate skills for your current workload. Outsourcing to India can help you handle such impossible business situations, by giving you access to skilled people, as and when you require them. Whether you require less or more resources, outsourcing can provide your company with a certain level of scalability.

  1. India offers better pricing flexibility

American labor is expensive since the cost of living in the US is high when compared to other countries. As an employer, you will be for paying for taxes, computers, cubicles, health insurance and liability insurance, in addition to each staff member's salary. When you outsource to India, you can cut down on the cost of labor drastically. The range for a skilled developer in the US can be anywhere from $70 to $100 per hour, while the hourly cost of an experienced developer in India can be negotiated down, to as low as, $25 per hour. India's pricing flexibility enables you to more creative in managing your budget when your company cannot afford to pay high salaries.

  1. India can help you determine appropriate staff levels

You may find the task of maintaining proper staff levels to meet business needs cumbersome. If you have less staff, you run the risk of failing to deliver during times of increased business activity. On the other hand, if you have too many employees on your staff, you risk losing quality people to boredom or the lack of challenging work. Outsourcing to India can help you solve this problem, by giving you the flexibility to determine appropriate staff levels. You can hire a core team to meet your business needs 80 percent of the time. As business activity increases due to seasonal or other demands, you can keep adding bandwidth through outsourcing to India. You will also be able to keep your full-time employees at a steady utilization rate throughout the year.

  1. Outsourcing to India is easy

Getting started with outsourcing to India is as easy as finding a suitable Indian service provider and signing an outsourcing contract. However, you will need to take deliberate steps to ensure that you outsource only what you can handle. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started on outsourcing to India:

  • Consider your business goals and evaluate your needs before outsourcing
  • Investigate the market and potential Indian vendors before you outsource
  • In the beginning, outsource a simple project to test your chosen outsourcing service provider. This will enable you to develop a relationship with your team in India
  • Invest in web conferencing tools such as GoToMeeting and Webex, that will help you communicate with your remote team in India
  • Manage your outsourcing partner in the same manner, as you would your in-house staff. Define your deliverables and deadlines, along with a document of your expectations. Arrange regular meetings with the vendor, to review the status of your project and to set priorities

Make a decision to outsource to India and witness a marked improvement in your productivity, profit, and net income. Get in touch with us to start outsourcing to India.

S Multi Technologies


Our Services

Why Outsourcing to India is good for your Business

With globalization flattening the world, it has become increasingly important for companies to utilize outsourcing firms in India to stay competitive. India is the best outsourcing destination for technical work when compared to other outsourcing locations in Eastern Europe, the Pacific Rim, and Latin America. Here are seven reasons why your company must seriously consider outsourcing to India.

  1. India can help you achieve more with less

Almost every business is under constant pressure to produce huge volumes of work and generate more revenue for their existing staff. By outsourcing to India, you can use your current staff to manage the outsourced team and projects, thereby increasing the output of each member. Only outsourcing to India can result in a marked improvement in your company's productivity.

  1. India can give you access to educated professionals with skill sets

When you outsource to India, you will be working with people who are highly educated, often holding degrees from some of the world's finest universities. Though language and cultural barriers still exist, you need not worry when you outsource to India, as Indian professionals speak better English than other leading outsourcing destinations.

  1. India can help you focus on core business competencies

As your business grows, you will need to support your increasing customer base or research and test new products while continuing your current growth rate. Handling everything in-house may take your focus away from core business activities. However, outsourcing to India can enable you to delegate noncore activities while you continue to manage the business functions that make you successful. India is a versatile outsourcing location, where you can easily find a service provider for customer support, research, marketing or any other business activity that you would prefer to outsource.

  1. India can help your company become more scalable

Since business is often unpredictable with its own peak and slow seasons, you may not always have the right number of staff members with the appropriate skills for your current workload. Outsourcing to India can help you handle such impossible business situations, by giving you access to skilled people, as and when you require them. Whether you require less or more resources, outsourcing can provide your company with a certain level of scalability.

  1. India offers better pricing flexibility

American labor is expensive since the cost of living in the US is high when compared to other countries. As an employer, you will be for paying for taxes, computers, cubicles, health insurance and liability insurance, in addition to each staff member's salary. When you outsource to India, you can cut down on the cost of labor drastically. The range for a skilled developer in the US can be anywhere from $70 to $100 per hour, while the hourly cost of an experienced developer in India can be negotiated down, to as low as, $25 per hour. India's pricing flexibility enables you to more creative in managing your budget when your company cannot afford to pay high salaries.

  1. India can help you determine appropriate staff levels

You may find the task of maintaining proper staff levels to meet business needs cumbersome. If you have less staff, you run the risk of failing to deliver during times of increased business activity. On the other hand, if you have too many employees on your staff, you risk losing quality people to boredom or the lack of challenging work. Outsourcing to India can help you solve this problem, by giving you the flexibility to determine appropriate staff levels. You can hire a core team to meet your business needs 80 percent of the time. As business activity increases due to seasonal or other demands, you can keep adding bandwidth through outsourcing to India. You will also be able to keep your full-time employees at a steady utilization rate throughout the year.

  1. Outsourcing to India is easy

Getting started with outsourcing to India is as easy as finding a suitable Indian service provider and signing an outsourcing contract. However, you will need to take deliberate steps to ensure that you outsource only what you can handle. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started on outsourcing to India:

  • Consider your business goals and evaluate your needs before outsourcing
  • Investigate the market and potential Indian vendors before you outsource
  • In the beginning, outsource a simple project to test your chosen outsourcing service provider. This will enable you to develop a relationship with your team in India
  • Invest in web conferencing tools such as GoToMeeting and Webex, that will help you communicate with your remote team in India
  • Manage your outsourcing partner in the same manner, as you would your in-house staff. Define your deliverables and deadlines, along with a document of your expectations. Arrange regular meetings with the vendor, to review the status of your project and to set priorities

Make a decision to outsource to India and witness a marked improvement in your productivity, profit, and net income. Get in touch with us to start outsourcing to India.

S Multi Technologies


Our Services